Wednesday 28 May 2014

The Wardrobe - Post Performance 2

This week began with looking at other schools versions of The Wardrobe and how our production differed from theirs, through looking we found that our version of the production was a lot more grounded than the others. The other productions useds a lot of modern ideas within the realms of theatre, using ideas such as clear lighting or just lighting to represent the main parts of the wardrobe itself. There was also a consistency of people wearing solid colours such as simply just white or black, there were a distinct lack of costumes in many of the plays which helped to determine which eras they were from and gave them character. I prefered our production because I felt it had a sense of realism to it and that to me makes it more of a beliviable performance and show.

Today began with receving our grades for our overall sections, I wasn't pleased with the grade I got because I wanted the top grade and I felt a little down about it untill Karen our team leader said we had a chance to raise our grades if we did the work this week and the week after easter when we are performing at the capitol theatre in Horsham, this in a way hit me quite hard and I felt that I had to work harder because i'm determined to get the top grades even if that  means gving up my free time. In  working through the list of five things karen wanted us to try I found that I wasn't giving enough emotion to Genevieve and that I needed to tap into how she would be feeling and convey that more clearly to the audience. I used personal experience and a dash of stanislavsky to acheive this objective and I could feel the difference as the character and I was almost in tears with the amount of emotion this was evoking from me, it made the scene feel more real and made Genevive expose her vulnerable side and how she is acttually feeling about Arthur and how much he means to her.

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