Wednesday 28 May 2014

The Wardrobe - Post Performance 1

This week began the discussions as to what we were going to with the show when we tour it to Horsham on the 25th of April. Theses discussions included which scenes we would cut to save time as we are only allowed  to perform for 45 minitues there, the first thoughts I had were to cut the Dido scene because it wouldnt effect any of the other scenes but not many people agreed with this because it was such a good scene, I could understand this because it was such a powerful scene. We then looked at getting rid of scenes three or nine and I felt they couldn't take either of these brilliaant scenes because they were so tense and yet so poignant and gave you a lot to think about. I then suggested scene two to be cut because I felt that it made the beginning of the play sometimes drag with scene on before it there wasn't any tense moments to it and it wasn't as directly effective as the others, the scene also wouldn't  effect any of the other scenes with continuity. We are now on our final decisions about what we are going to do with our play. As a group we went through the play taking off senes two and three to see how the play look without those scenes and how we felt about the play without them. Karen our team leader chose to cut scene three because it wasn't suitable for the staging because when caryl is  struggling there is too much space for it to be beliviably small enough for her to panic in. I was dissapointed that we would loose scene three because I felt that it was such a serious and tense scene and I love a tense and dramatic scene, I also felt that it was brilliant to have right before scene four because it goes from tense and dramatic and being unable to breathe to a happy and laughing scene and I felt it threw off the audience but in a good way, in that it didn't give them a chance to really evaluate and keeps them immersed in the play and slightly shocked.

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