Tuesday 24 March 2015

Character Study - War of the Worlds


My character is a reporter from New York who is a radio broadcaster working on music for the city and further, she also helps to report to the people the goings on during the alien invasion. 

NAME: Imogen de Ste Croix
AGE: 24
JOB: Radio Broadcaster
KEY RELATIONSHIPS: She holds a friendly relationship with the other reporters on the alien case
HEALTH: She is in good health
INTERESTS: Radio Broadcast, World news, Reading, Tennis and Cricket
LINKS TO KEY CHARATERS IN THE PLAY: The other reporters, she corresponds with them to bring information to the public 
CHARACTER DESCRIPTION/PERSONALITY: She is a very structured reporter who is very serious about her job and because of this tries to up-hold the perfect radio presenter even during the alien invasion and can come across as a bit stiff but is trying to be a good reporter.

BEFORE THE PLAY –Before the play my character was a woman who had worked her way into radio broadcasting and is very serious about her job because of the work she has put into her career, this has made her quite hard in personality as she won't let anything come between her and her radio, due to this she comes across as cold.
DURING THE PLAY – CHARACTER JOURNEY AND THROUGH LINE -The character is reporting on "Ramon Raquello and his Orchestra" just as the news of an alien attack from mars hits, she is then reporting on both the music and the attack, until she cannot do so.

AFTER THE PLAY – Due to the nature of the text and the ending, I would guess that things would not end well and that the lens would take over just as they harmed the other radio presenter and the other civillians.

Character Objectives – Has to have the audiences attention, has to deliver breaking news.
Characters obstacles -  Has to negotiate around the alien invasion to keep the radio show going.
Character Super Objective - To deliver a good radio show without interruption. 


VOCAL CHOICES – I chose to deliver this part in a partial monotone voice, to add the presenter effect, this I wanted to push so that when the alien invasion started to happen I could show the fear of the presenter and have that come across in her voice.

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