Tuesday 24 March 2015

Character Study - Audio Book

CHARACTER PROFILE –  My character in this book is the main protagonist and narrator of the story, her name is Tessa and she is a shadow hunter. This extract is from the third and final book in the Infernal Devices trilogy.

WHO ARE THEY? (Avoid one work answers -expand below where possible)
NAME: Tessa Grey
AGE: 18
JOB: Shadowhunter
KEY RELATIONSHIPS: Jem - Fiancee, Will - In Love With
INTERESTS: Literature, Dickens, Travel
LINKS TO KEY THEMES IN THE BOOK: Love - Relationships with Jem and Will
LINKS TO KEY CHARATERS IN THE BOOK: Jem - love interest, Will- love interest
CHARACTER DESCRIPTION/PERSONALITY: Tessa is a young woman in the 1800's in London, she loves to read and because of this has a very active and romantic imagination, because of this she also finds going into the shadowhunter world a lot easier.

WHAT HAS HAPPENDED TO THEM and how are they affected by this?
BEFORE THE BOOK – She has accepted Jem's proposal and also defeated the Dark sisters, this caused her a lot of difficulty with the shadowhunters as she is not one and yet is.

DURING THE PLAY – CHARACTER JOURNEY AND THROUGHLINE -During the book she faces a lot of struggles with love and loss and victory and also failure, these themes are a huge part of the book detailing the struggles of a young shadowhunter, the journey of Tessa is that of every young person, to find their purpose in life and figure out what life is all about.

Character Objectives – Tessa in this scene wants to get her wedding dress just right to please Jem.
Characters obstacles - In this scene Tessa is finding the fact that she is so young and getting married difficult at the same time as seeing herself in her own wedding dress.


VOCAL CHOICES – In this speech I chose to do a very melancholy voice,  this was because I wanted to have the sadness that Tessa feels at having everything happen so fast because of Jem's illness and also the loss of her childhood.

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