Tuesday 8 October 2013

Week 2 (Oct 30th-6th)

This week the group began by revisiting some of our less developed ideas I felt that this was a good notion because we needed to develop more scenes for our devised piece. Taking the ideas we had accumulated before, we sat down and discussed which scenes we should and could use we set them out on the white board and went from there. These scenes were:

Scene 1
Christina is sat in a chair contemplating over her life and that it was her fault her family died in the fire. Beside her are her inner demons, who as she tries to run from in order to escape her past.

Scene 2
In this scene Christina is reviewing a memory of her family eating christmas dinner, she is noting all the small but significant details of the moment, such as who's chair is who's, the arguments that went on.

Scene 3
We have Christina crawling on the floor and struggling to move not only that but we have people becoming moving obstacles that are blocking her path making it even more difficult, this is to symbolise Christina overcoming her struggles.

Scene 4
Christina is pushed around and held back by her inner demons again, they flip a chair over her and bring her back to where she started. The main part of this scene is the phrase T-R-A-P we use this on the shirts everyone is wearing with everyone having one letter on their shirt.

Scene 5
The train ride- she meets new people, we wanted this to be an insight as to how christina saw new people having been kept from anyone other than her family. We were using ideas such as the chairs and invisible phone key pad, we decided part way through to change the chairs for stage blocks.

At the end of writing out the scenes we decided to combine some scenes and the sequence we ended up with was - (2-1+4-3-5).

We decided as a group to split into two and each work on separate scenes to speed up the process of making scenes. The scene I worked on was the train scene, we used this as a basis and worked on from there. To update the scene we used blocks instead of chairs and decided not to make it a train  but instead a room. We also decided that having the blocks in one row was not making the best use of the stage space, we tried many combinations of the blocks first being the four in a row, we then staggered the blocks two in front two in back alternating, the next was having them in a plus shape but leaving the centre without a block, although this made us look more equal due to height differences it still didn't have the right feel to it, so we put another block on top of the front one. This idea meant that we could use our "I am the real Christina!" idea.

To use the "I am the real Christina!" idea we initially used four of us three on the singular blocks and one behind the double stacked blocks, this was to be the hidden Christina, her real self ? We kept the hidden Christina hidden so that she could come up when we felt Christina would object to what was being said about her life. The group and myself felt that the piece needed more movement, to do this we had Christina in the middle move she crawls over the top and jumps down between the two new additions to the piece we then did a hand signal to which we said "I am the real Christina!" we then used another old idea which was the phone key pad and turning our heads to the numbers we decided on and did it as a chorus. We then decided to do a lift but problems arose when we found that Dan falling off the blocks into a group cradle, wasn't as elegant as the rest of the piece.

This was where we ended our week on having found many problems and some solutions, not finding solutions to all our problems or hiccups was a difficult note to end on but it gave us a lot to think about for our next week of devising theatre exploration.

1 comment:

  1. Your Blog entry for week 2 lacks some explanation and evaluation.
    You describe an outline of each scene- you might consider adding more explanation –imagine I’m asking ‘why’ at the end of each scene entry.
    You describe the work clearly but do not explain the process of ‘how’ you arrived at some decisions or analyse why choices were made to reject or keep certain elements. Try to explain the process of arriving at decisions; provide an analysis of the group process and emphasise your individual input and evaluate the effectiveness of the work in progress considering strengths and weaknesses. Don’t forget to embed research findings. PASS +
