Wednesday 30 October 2013


The Piece we performed was called “The Real Christina” it was a piece that we devised ourselves from a stimulus selected by our tutor. The Piece had good timing for the majority of the performance but on some occasions we would forget where we were supposed to be although we covered it up quite well. The pace of the piece was qutie fast going with it beginning with a quite violent fight scene and in a hospital of all places, changing from scene to scene was much harder that we had expected as moving the blocks from place to place was quite difficult considering the weight of them cause some of us to be unable to carry them off without another person helping and we took a much longer black out that we should have. The style of the piece was contemporary because we used lots of things such as physical theatre to make the performance more interesting but that brought the realism away from it. The subject of the Piece was of struggle and freedom we wanted to explore the two together and find through the piece how they interlinked and to ask the difficult question of are we free ?. I felt we achieved our aim of “The audience to come out with them question their-self and who they really are, are we told to be who we are ? have other people made us what we are ? these are the type of questions i want the audience to walk away and ask them self” because in our reviews we had a lot of people feeling like they were walking away with a lot to think about. The characterisation of each character went well because we were using each person to potray each side of Christina to the audience and I felt we got each of these across. The vocals went well but we could have been far more clear in what we were saying as in the reviews many people found it hard to understand what we were saying at points in the piece. We used a lot of gesture and movement to bring across what we were aiming to. We did this by using a lot of physical theatre to bring the movement over to the audience. The team worked well and before we started we did our special secret handshake for good luck and this helped the team focus for the performance when things were going a little ary we supported eachother and made sure we all had a good time. 

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