Tuesday 21 January 2014

The Wardrobe - Week 2

13th January
- The Wardrobe

  • We began again by working on the different scenes and discussing which scenes we ourselves wanted to be in. After working on the scenes in separate groups we performed them to the class, we then went on to other scenes to try out more
  • I found that through doing this process I was able to make a better decision as to which character I liked most and which one I would like to play it also made me change a lot of my decisions and characters I previously liked and wanted to play became almost unbearable and vice versa.
- Movement
  • In Movement we re did our work out/Dance again to be sure we knew it well and it took a couple of tries to get things right.
  • We were then split off into groups to re work the formation into new ways, adding different types and ways of movement, such as adding in cannon and new jumps or leaps.
  • The finished compilation was a much more versatile version of the original dance bringing a new concept to the whole dance.
- Voice
  •  We went through a variety of exercises for Vocal Warm ups to aid us in our voice assessment, looking at both the Articulators and the Resonators, this also helped to give us an ideas as to how to run and present our warm ups. 
  • We also found out how much more of the written we would have to be working on and what sort of material we would need to further include in the written part of the assessment

15th January
- The Wardrobe
  • We spent today working on the scenes we were individually interested in today as well as working on the scenes Karen wanted to see us in.
  • Today was to work on the final casting session with Karen our course leader this was to allow her to find out who would best suit the roles but which roles would also challenge everyone.
  • I found doing an audition process this way helpful because it allowed us to see who worked well with who and which groups of people had potential together in particular scenes.

16th January
- The Wardrobe
  • I've been cast as Genevieve alongside Alicia as Whinnie, I'm very pleased because this is who I wanted to play. This role is in scene 7 and after reading the play and trying out all of the scenes I realised that this was who I wanted to play.
  • There is a lot that can be done with this scene, i'm particularly excited to start figuring out the costumes as this scene is set in the era of Jane Austen and I love the period clothing of that time.
  • The High point of this scene as we have figured out so far is when Whinnie over steps her boundaries as her status is lower than Genevieve's, with Whinnie being the servant and Genevieve being a lady of the house.

1 comment:

  1. BLOG 1+2 MERIT
    A good start here Imogen. Your use of bullet points is an effective way to break down your explanation. I love your first opening entry here which explores your initial response to the text- don’t be afraid to expand upon this- use quotes and personal experience examples if relevant. The later part of your first entry is a little diary like –e.g 9th Jan point 2 – explain the information, be specific, explain and analyse your choices where you gave a variety of title to the scenes. In your closing statement –how did you feel about the scenes and characters? Explain further- you are on the right tracks. You could expand upon your entry in blog 2 first 2 points include no examples of characters you like and why? Explain at the end of Blog 2 why you wanted to play Genevieve – what was it that drew you to this character. Overall a very good Blog!
