Tuesday 26 November 2013

Greek Blog 4 (18th - 22nd)

This week the first thing we did was go through our grading criteria for the Greek project so that we knew what was going to be expected of us. Doing this also gives us an idea of what we want to be included in the performance to get our grades to a very good position, it also means that we are trying very hard to work to the project to get it to the best possible standard that we can. After we looked at the grading criteria for the project we went on moodle as a group to look at some links to videos on the national theatre website giving some information on the way Greek theatre can be set and used it also gave a lot of detail on the background of Greek theatre and how it began in Greece, it also told us about how theatre was used in politics to address many issues and bring some to light, it was a great way for politicians to influence the public. The main reason we were looking into this is because we are doing a project on Greek theatre and these were to give us a few ways to go about creating these presentations in our respective pairs. For Movement we went and watched some monks from Tashi Lhunpo temple in India, they were visiting the college to demonstrate some of their ritual dances and our leader Kirsty decided we could go and watch them and see if we could find influence and ideas from the traditional dances that were being demonstrated to us in the main theatre. In voice we worked on a pop quiz on our vocal anatomy to see how we were doing on our revision and remembered information for the final test on our knowledge of our own voices this proved a lot of fun as a task as we were working in pairs for this and we just had fun trying to remember what we could and learned from each other in the process.

On Tuesday we got straight down to business and went onto mine and Dan's scene together. In this scene Orestes and Electra get a lot closer as Electra is trying to comfort Orestes and tries to get him to go to sleep as he hasn't been able to sleep well since he killed their mother. We used this scene to show the connection between the two characters and the close bond they share even after only having seen each other for the first time in around ten years. After we worked on how we wanted to stage this scene we were led in some exercises by Alex another of our team leaders who got us to work on status. To work on our status we went around the room trying to imitate the sort of status we thought our character had and this turned out to be quite interesting as some did a lot lower status to show their character at a certain part of the play. And then we watched some videos on how to further this study of status between characters, and lastly we worked on the scene after the one we did in the morning which is a scene mostly between Orestes, Menalaos and Tyndareos and showing the status between the characters that was where I found that the morning activities working on status helped a lot and you could quite clearly see the difference in status in the scene.

Overall the weeks work went well and we developed a lot of scenes which helped a lot with our characters and how they are progressing, we have also worked on our status levels and i've found that particularly helpful in how I represent my character on stage.

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