Wednesday 26 March 2014

The Wardrobe - Week 7

This week we came back from half term and were all quite tired and relaxed, this had a negative effect on the entire group as a whole, we began the day by all sitting in a group circle and having to take some paper and pens from the centre (pens and paper were a multitude of colours) we had to draw five images that represented what we found most stood out to us personaly in the play. I chose the wardrobe itself because to me it represents a stillness to the play and that although it moves around through time and the country, all the stories still take place in the wardrobe and I find that amazing, to me it's as if walls could talk this is how it would be. I then chose the dagger in scene one because Cecily wants to kill her sister because she gets to have what she could never have and in a way with a sibling I can relate to the reason that she nearly did this because there are times when we do want to dispose of our siblings, but in the end when it comes down to it at the end of the day we would never hurt them. Thirdly I chose the candles in scene nine because in a way I felt that they represented hope and saftey, this scene is completley lit by the boys candles and they seem to radiate the hope of their fears and saftey from the way they hold them close and find their way to the saftey of the wardrobe with the candles, they are beacons and guiders. The fourth thing I chose was the Bannana in scene two because I found that it represented the exploration of young people and that we have to explore a lot of things in our lives before we do anything big and in this case the wardrobe helps them to acheieve this objective. Lastly I chose the snow because snow is so pure and white and innocent and it's also very magical just like Narnia, it is a place for people to escape to just like the Wardrobe is for the children.

Looking more into our charcters I enjoyed using the stances technique because it allows you to take three solid states of your character, and find how it feels to be in that state as the character, I enjoyed it as a new way to help me find my character. We also began to look into Ennegram's as a way to look into your character, it gives the nine states of who we could be and certain numbers link to others in both good ways and bad ways, to me this was a bit like horoscopes just without the specific dates added to it. These methods helped me to finally find my character and to find her innermost feelings, and how to show those hidden feelings through subtle but also showable emotions, such as her status. Genevieve is a higher status not only because she is higher born but because she has had a hard life, she has never really felt freedom and this is why she seeks out Arthur Scott, because she needs that outlet and having that outlet jeopardised really challenges her to keep her status and she uses her hard mannerisms that she has accumulated through her life to do this.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

The Wardrobe - Week 6

This week we worked on trying to find our character more, in the case of my scene I needed to work on where she came from and how that would affect her in this case she was from liverpool, so working on a liverpool accent was key. We worked (Alicia and myself) on the accents with Bradley from the year above and he helped us to nail this accent. I found this very difficult and kept going from a liverpool accent to french to italian to irish which didn't really help my cause. Instead we decided to keep my character in an RP accent and to make it seem as though they had only recently moved to the area and she still had her original accent.

Later in the week we worked on looking into how to stage the scene and found that keeping within the wardrobe wasn't as easy as was previously thought. We ended up working on trying to keep it in the singular place and that helped a lot and then with Karen's guidance we worked it out together.